Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day - From The Obamas

Memorial Day is always a very special day for me because I have lots of cousins and relatives who have served and died in wars over the years.  This year President Obama wanted to recognize my great grand daddy, First Lieutenant James Earl Taylor, who served as a US marine in WWII.

We've all seen the famous picture of the Iwa Jima flag raising, but what many don't realize is that when you see the uncut version of the picture you see my great grandfather in the foreground, who is actually supervising and giving the order to "Men, put that flag up.  I don't care what it takes, we are not leaving this place until we show exactly what we stand for...The U.S of A."

This is the pic you're probably all familiar with

Playing on the lawn with my new best friends

Friday, May 15, 2009

This is a little out of control!

This is seriously out of control. I had no idea that me getting a blog would create such a frenzy. I was getting off the airplane with my Mom the other day and the paparazzi went CRAZY!!! Then today I picked up the newest issue of Player and there I was on the cover! I don't even know what to do, I can't go anywhere anymore without getting recognized!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Head Gear

Ok, so one thing Dr. Ruffentuff forgot to talk to me about was the PAIN of wearing head gear.  I feel really bad because I keep waking my mom up from my whimpering for the last three hours.  This thing hurts!  It's cool though, she put a Lortab in a glob of peanut butter and promised me I'd be out like a light.  Man, I hope so.  Being beautiful is more painful that I realized.   Night all, I'll talk to you tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Brace Face

So today was a pretty cool day. My mom took me to the orthodontist, Dr. Ruffentuff, to check into pricing for Invisalign. Unfortunately, my mom shall we say, frugal? and she barely gives me anything for my allowance ($5 a joke) so I haven't saved up enough for it yet. (Plus, I have to keep up on my spray-on tan (my new obsession, we'll talk about that later) and that takes me about a month to earn enough for that, and by that time I have to get another spray, blah blah blah.) will never beLIEVE what happened! So my dentist was pretty stoked when he heard that I might become a Yogi and he offered to do trade with me! I'll give him free lessons and he'll hook me up with braces. WTFreak?! Are you serious! Bummer deal is that they have to be traditional braces, but whatever. I got free braces!

Monday, May 11, 2009

To Invisaline or not to Invisaline...that is the question

Ok, now since I'm going through this whole "finding myself" crux on my life I've decided to go ALL out. It was tough to convince my mom to highlight my hair, but she was so giddy and couldn't stop clapping her hands and jumping up and down that I thought I would move on to bigger things. Next on the list? Braces.

My bottom teeth are kinda crooked - and that left "canine" sticks out WAY to far for a fella trying to be a player. But I am not an everyday dog  ladies and gentlemen...I am Jakob, the Orthadog Jew. I am regal. I am classy. I have a PhD in FABULOUS. My outer image needs to reflect my inner, and inside I have perfectly straight teeth.

If you can please comment on my photo and help me convince my tight wad mother I would so appreciate it.

Thank you in advance for your support.

I finally found myself...

After months of searching...
and looking absolutely everywhere...

I finally found myself - in my new Jewish religion. Please refer to me now as "Jakob the Orthodog Jew"

My first en"lightening" highlighting...all puns intended!

'Mom decided that today was a good day for a little change. Everyday it is that same old thing. Wash, rinse, repeat...wash, rinse, repeat. Today was my first highlighting! I was so excited, I have been begging Mom since that little Shiatsu in my obedience class had it done, but Mom said that just because Sitty's Mom let him do it doesn't mean I get to do it.

Finally I convinced her. First we had to highlight. It took awhile since my Dad was 1/2 African American. After 4 hours it was done! We quickly realized that my hair was a little too long and that I was looking more like Nana Montana (see below) than a "hot regal excuse for myself".

We then went to Cookie Cutter's hair trimming and here is the final likey?