
Mom decided that today was a good day for a little change. Everyday it is that same old thing. Wash, rinse, repeat...wash, rinse, repeat. Today was my first highlighting! I was so excited, I have been begging Mom since that little Shiatsu
in my
obedience class had it done, but Mom said that just because
Sitty's Mom let him do it doesn't mean I get to do it.
Finally I convinced her. First we had to highlight. It took awhile since my Dad was 1/2 African American. After 4 hours it was done! We quickly realized that my hair was a little too long and that I was looking more like Nana Montana (see below) than a "hot regal excuse for myself".

We then went to Cookie Cutter's hair trimming and here is the final result...you
holy crap! I am dying! You are sooo damn funny.
Oh there will be hell "toupe"!